Nothing beats meeting Face to FaceLarge Events
Powerhouse events are held three times per year, organized by the volunteer core team. We will happily incorporate requests for special topics, to kick-start conversations.
The Venue
Our events most often take place at the Impact Hub Zurich, located in buzzing Zürich-West. We love this location, because several of the Powerhouse core team are, or have been, members of ImpactHUB over the years, and the ImpactHUB itself is a space where entrepreneurs and all kinds of innovators come together to prototype new models for ‘a world that works for all’ – connecting all sectors, industries and cultural backgrounds.
Previous Event Listing
Building Your Network
Female Role Models
Gender Attitudes At Work
Humanising Your Brand
How Finding Your Turf Changes Everything
Inspirational Leadership
Macho Mamas
Navigating Organisational Politics I
Navigating Organisational Politics II
Pull Vs Push Leadership
Reinventing Yourself in Switzerland
Rise of the Female Entrepreneur
Swiss Biz for Entrepreneurs and Intrapreneurs
Women and Wellbeing
Previous Events
Time remaining until the next Powerhouse Event