Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a member?
The Powerhouse doesn’t have ‘Members’. We are a network, and we operate as such. We simply ask that you sign up to our mailing list, which enables us to keep you informed about the larger community events we organize (three times a year), and helps give us an idea of how many people are interested in Powerhouse goings-on. Which is vital, because we are powered by volunteers!

Joining the mailing list is also your ticket to join The Powerhouse private Facebook Group; which is where the discussion continues in a closed environment.

Is there a membership fee?
Nope. Membership fees are for clubs. The Powerhouse is a network. (But please feel free to pay our volunteers with gratitude!)
How often do events take place?
Powerhouse Events are held three times a year.
Where do events take place?
Powerhouse Events usually take place at ImpactHUB Zurich.
Can I be a speaker / suggest a speaker?
The Core Team love to hear from others in the network who are doing interesting things. If you’re looking for opportunities, we can recommend going along to a Powerhouse Small Group meeting in your area, as our Small Groups have evolved into a great place to share skills and knowledge. With regard to our bigger events, all speakers emerge in one way or another from the Powerhouse network. As a general guideline, the women who speak at larger events are often thought and action leaders or educators in their own field; they speak about their own journey or a career transition, or a way to re-frame an existing situation, rather than about a product or a branded service. The Powerhouse is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization, and is all about thinking outside the box and providing inspiration and information, rather than promoting businesses or products per se.
Is there a special discount for people currently not in the workforce?
No. But keep reading … The Powerhouse need to cover our costs: we have agreed to pay ImpactHUB Zurich to use their space for our events. Many women in the Powerhouse network are employed in a traditional office-style job, but many are freelancers, or changing career direction, or volunteer workers, or entrepreneurs, or unemployed. The Powerhouse is powered entirely by volunteers, and this is a reflection of how we view the value of the (post-industrialist) network economy. So if you’re really struggling to pay for a ticket, tell us and offer to help out. In practical terms, this might involve helping us set up or clean up after an event. It might involve taking part in helping to organise a Small Group meeting.
Can men come to the events, too?
No. Early on, a decision was made to make the network available exclusively to those who identify as women. In Switzerland, the bureaucratic, business, educational and cultural contexts are unique for women in many ways, and the original Powerhouse meet-ups evolved as a place for women – many of us juggling parenting and our professional lives – to embrace the challenges … with gusto and a sense of humour. 
How do I join small group?
If you meet someone you like hanging out with who is already in a Small Group, that’s great! You can join them when they next go to a Small Group meeting. Otherwise, take a look at our MAP and decide which Small Group Area is closest to where you live or work, and contact the Small Group Coordinator for that Area via the email address provided (see our Small Groups page).
Do I HAVE to join the small group closest to me?
Nope. You will not be arrested. Go wherever you like. It’s about finding the people you best connect with, and building on that spark.
How can I start my own small group?
This generally works best if you already have a few others in mind who would like to join you. The first step is to contact the Powerhouse Core Team via email (hello [at] and someone will be able to magically organize an email address for you to start your own Small Group.
What is the Facebook Group?
A Facebook Group is not the same as a Facebook Page. (The Powerhouse has both.) Our Facebook Group (Powerhousezurich) is a closed environment, in which women in our network can connect with each other and maintain open discussion, share events and interesting articles, or generally offer assistance or skills. It is not an advertising forum for your business. The strength of a network depends on the people not their brands.
How do I join the Facebook group?
To join the Powerhouse Facebook Group you will need to ask one of our moderators to accept you to the Facebook Group. The moderators are currently our Core Team Members, and they will check to make sure you are on the Powerhouse Mailing List before accepting you to the Group.

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